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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Mom! Happy Mother's Day! 5/14/17

Happy Mother's Day!!

I just wanted to wish the best mom in this universe a Happy Mother's Day.  It's the least that I could do for someone who has done literally everything for me....someone who has given up everything in her life for me, to raise me, to make me happy, to help me be where I am today.  Someone who has been there for me every step of the way, even when I haven't always been the most obedient child.  All the hard trials I have faced in my life and things I have had to go through, you have always been there for me every single second I have needed help.  Seriously, Mom, I don't know if I know anyone else that can say that they have a mom like that.  I sometimes wonder how I got so lucky to have you as my momma! You have always been that perfect example and role model for me.  I am sorry for all the times I have talked back or fought with you when I was younger because I realize now that everything you ever did or said was only you trying your best to help me even if I maybe disagreed at that time.  You have always been so giving to me and all my siblings, always making sacrifices for us so that we can be happy and do what is right.

One of our main goals and our purpose of life on this earth is to become more like our Savior, Jesus Christ. That's something I hope and really work at  and that I hope my mission will help me become.  As I study the different attributes from PMG I try and think in what ways I could change to develop these attributes.  Mom, so many times you quickly have come to my mind of things you have done and who you have become to set that example for me to help me become like HIm.  Your love and charity and hope and everything has taught me so much about how to be like Him.  Having a mom so Christ-like has really been such a blessing and has helped me so much become who I am even though I am still so far from becoming like our Savior.  Thank you, Mom, for everything you have given me out here.  It has meant more to me than you could ever understand.  I miss you like cray and can't wait to be with you again, but I love my mission and this time of my life to serve Him and the people of Chuuk!  I love you!

Elder Saylin

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