Blog Archive

Monday, January 23, 2017


It has been a while since I've updated Keith's blog.  He has been transferred to open a small outer island called Ton (pop. 1,700)  where people only speak Chuukese.  His companion is from Tonga. We now will only receive an email from him once a month!  The church hasn't been on this new island for more than a decade and there is not an organized branch.  It is 2.5 miles long and 1.5 miles wide.  They meet for church under a tarp they hang and sit on banana leaves.  They have a waiting list because so many people want to be taught; there isn't enough time! Many people are being baptized! It is extremely primitive--no running water nor electricity.  They cook on a fire outside, boil their drinking water, and live in a tin hut infested with rats.  At Christmas he said, "I live with absolutely none of the comforts of the world, but I am so happy!"  Well said.  The Savior said, "For whosever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it."  (Matthew 16:25)  I believe Keith has found his life and the joys that come from sharing the truths of the gospel and from serving others.  ~Jen

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